This one was four years in the making. My cousin is a wine drinker, and I don't remember if the idea for this was originally mine or hers - whether she asked me to paint something wine-related, or whether I just came up with this and she immediately claimed it.
Anyway, like most of my paintings, it started with a doodle. Then I put it through photoshop/illustrator to get an idea of where I wanted it to go:
Then I transferred the image to a canvas where I'd already painted the blue background. I used white chalk to place the lines and shapes of the "doily" then went back over it with white paint, a little at a time. Then I started filling in the colors.
Somewhere right about here, something went wrong. The colors weren't working the way I'd envisioned, and I started getting frustrated with it. (That happens a lot) It may also be that we moved from Portland back to New Mexico about that time, and it got forgotten in all the chaos of a cross-country move and preparations for a new baby.
Three years and two moves later, when I finally had my own studio space, this was the first canvas that I got back out. This time, everything clicked and before I knew it, I had a finished painting that I was completely happy with!
"Glass of Wine"
2015, acrylic on canvas